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Useful Information


Time zone

Time zone: CET (Central Europe Time)

UTC/GMT +2 hour

  Current time in Bilbao


The official currency in Bilbao is the Euro

More information about currency rates can be found at the  XE Website 



Bilbao has a humid oceanic climate, with predominantly West winds, that make temperatures milder and favour temperate weather throughout the year. Given its proximity to the sea, the climate is mild and without extreme temperature changes between the seasons: with an average temperature 8ºC in winter and 20ºC in summer.

Useful Phone Numbers

Country Code: + 34

Emergency services: 112

Port Authority of Bilbao: +34944871200

Police department in Bilbao: +34944709151

Hospital Cruz Roja de Bilbao: +34944434792

Tourist Information Center: +34944795760

Bilbao city hall: +34944010010

Deusto University (Conference Venue): +34 944 139 000



In the same way as in the rest of the Basque Country, Bilbao has two official languages: Spanish and Basque. Both are used interchangeably in the administration and in the public services and increasingly more in everyday life, the result of the endeavour to mainstream Basque in recent decades.

English Spanish Basque
Good morning Buenos días Egun on
Good afternoon Buenas tardes Arratsalde on
Good evening Buenas noches Arratsalde on
Good night Buenas noches Gabon
Hello Hola Kaixo
Goodbye Adiós Agur
See you later Hasta luego Gero arte
Please Por favor Mesedez
Thank you Gracias Eskerrik asko
You’re welcome De nada Ez horregatik
Sorry Disculpe/Lo siento Barkatu
Excuse me Perdón/Con permiso Barkatu
It doesn’t matterNo importaLasai egon
Excuse me, sirPerdón, señorBarkatu jauna. Andrea
Ma'am Señora Andrea
Miss/Ms Señorita
Do you speak English? Habla usted inglés? Ingelesez ba al dakizu?
Yes Bai
No No Ez
I'm sorry Lo siento Barkatu
I don't speak
Spanish /Basque
No hablo español/euskera Ez dut erderaz/euskeraz
hitz egiten
I don’t understandNo entiendoEz dut ulertzen
Please speak more slowly Hable más despacio, por favor Mesedez, astiroago hitz egin
Please repeat Repita por favor Mesedez errepika dezakezu?
May I ask you a question? Podría hacerle una pregunta? Galdera bat egin diezazuket?
Could you please help me? Podría ayudarme? Lagun diezadakezu?
Thank you very much Muchas gracias Eskerrik asko