Time zone Time zone: CET (Central Europe Time) UTC/GMT +2 hour | |
Current time in Bilbao
Currency The official currency in Bilbao is the Euro More information about currency rates can be found at the XE Website | |
Climate: Bilbao has a humid oceanic climate, with predominantly West winds, that make temperatures milder and favour temperate weather throughout the year. Given its proximity to the sea, the climate is mild and without extreme temperature changes between the seasons: with an average temperature 8ºC in winter and 20ºC in summer.
Useful Phone Numbers
Country Code: + 34
Emergency services: 112
Port Authority of Bilbao: +34944871200
Police department in Bilbao: +34944709151
Hospital Cruz Roja de Bilbao: +34944434792
Tourist Information Center: +34944795760
Bilbao city hall: +34944010010
Deusto University (Conference Venue): +34 944 139 000
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Language In the same way as in the rest of the Basque Country, Bilbao has two official languages: Spanish and Basque. Both are used interchangeably in the administration and in the public services and increasingly more in everyday life, the result of the endeavour to mainstream Basque in recent decades.